Internal Cleansing With Sauna, Herbs And Lymphatic Stimulation- By: Emma Sundstromma

Description : Detoxification of the body has been used in cultures all around the planet. Even before our modern medicine, the understanding that the body needs to cleansed in the inside has been understood.

Our bodies are amazing in the functions that take place to rid itself of harmful chemicals and parasites. Helping the body to do this is a great way to get more energy, have better mental clarity and to give our bodies the needed energy to heal illnesses.

One way to help the body is to fast. During a fast the organs get a rest, and the liver is stimulated to release toxins. During a fast there may be a particular organ that needs to be focused upon.
The kidneys are one such focus. There are many herbs and fruit juices that are particularly beneficial for the kidneys and urinary tract system.Juniper berries are just but one example.

To cleanse the liver, the juice of beets are often used and is the herb milk thistle. Flushing the liver can help to reduce fatty deposits and toxins.

Cleansing the colon is a great way to flush out toxins and unwanted bacteria flora. It is known that over 89% of our immunesystem is in the gut so keeping the colon in tip top shape has an overall beneficial effect.

Taking a Sauna is another way to flush toxins out through your skin. Whiule in th sauna, essential oils can be used to the hot stones that can facilitate the cleansing. Some oils that are often used is citrus oils, juniper and patchouli.

Getting the lymphatic sytem to move is another way, a very important one, to detoxify.

The lymphatic system is the sewer of the body. If the lymph is not flowing all the toxins are building up in our tissues. It is true that without your lymph moving you will not survive.

How does one detoxify the lymphatic system?
By moving. Yup, another reason to get some regular exercise. Walking, running, swimming, any kind of movement will help the lymph. A powerful lymph mover is a trampoline. The up and down movement on the trampoline does an excellent job to get your sewer system activated!

One can also get a massage by a therapist who has special training in lymphatic massage. This is especially useful when there are reasons for lack of movement, or after a mastectomy where lymphnodes have been removed.

Simple things we can incorporate to our everyday without a lot of fuss or needing a lot of time, can greatly help keeping your body clean, energized and healthy. zzxc333

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